Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What is the Biosphere?

 Life has many cycles, from food to animals, and to the earth in which we are living. “Cycles happen at all scales of systems, from the metabolism of a bacterium to the pumping of carbon around the planet to.” (Robertson, P. 24)

This is true in all regards. If we look at the natural world, butterflies, they born as sluggish caterpillars and over the evolution of time they transition to beautiful butterflies. This follows of the principal of Matter how “it is never created nor destroyed, just changes form.” (Robertson, P. 23) It’s the same for our Earth, which according to experts is half way through its cycles. Things we do have different effects on cycles. We have the ability to speed up cycles or slow them down.


The cycles have different effects on our systems. Earth has four major systems or spheres: rock, air, water, and organism. The Lithosphere of the earth is solid rock composed of rock. Just as our natural world has cycles, so does our economical world. The industrial revolution changed the way we live our life. These two worlds collided because we needed resources to create these new modern inventions. The Lithosphere is the source of 70% of the materials used. Once taken out of the lithosphere is cannot be but back. That matter is changed into a new form forever. 


Our Atmosphere consists of the layers of air above the solid crust. “It is full of turbulent motion as winds with complex flow patterns at varying elevations constantly swift through the realm of the clouds.” (Robertson, P. 28) This change of wind patters is why plans have turbulence while flying and why some days there is lots of wind and others do not.

The water system is the Hydrosphere. The book says “Earth is a water planet.” (Robertson, P. 29) This is so true as we use water for many different reasons. From calculating PH scales to the height, water is our measuring stick.  Water can also take on many different forms, whether that is ice in the North Pole or crystal clear warm water in the tropics. We are truly surrounded.


The Biosphere is the system where living organisms inhabit. We have learned from biologist that with in our system there are five kingdoms. If we break that down each kingdom has its own Ecosystem. These ecosystems are in regards to populations and give each organism a niche.  

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